
Ready for growth... GO! The old host of design emporium Flinders could not cope with the rapid growth. Since the migration to Hipex, the shop has been going like a train again.

Achievements Flinders at Hipex


Flinders sells design and interior and her star is rising fast. A store in Zaandam, two Flinders cafes (in Hilversum and Groningen) and a super popular webshop with branches to China. Minor issue: The old host couldn’t handle the growth. The shop became less and less stable during peaks.

Performance has more than doubled

In early 2016, the contract finally expired. Four major hosters were allowed to pitch for a new contract and Hipex proved to give the best performance. We’ve investigated the entire shop and set up a suitable environment, including our own Full Page Cache Module. The difference to the old situation is huge. The overall performance has more than doubled. Checkouts have been reduced from 26 to 4.3 seconds. There’s no hitches anymore, even during the largest peaks. Flinders has one less problem and can now push through unconcerned.

Geert Jan Smits

Flinders Owner

With Hipex we’ve found a hosting company that meets our expectations. Loads of Magento knowledge, a flat company structure and, above all, a fast webshop. Our conversions have increased and the webshop is stable. It’s nice to work with Hipex, even outside normal office hours. Highly recommended for any Magento shop who benefits from having a fast webshop.