The 8 best plugins for Shopware (2020)

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  3. The 8 best plugins for Shopware (2020)

Shopware is known for having powerful features right from the start. With Shopware, you almost can’t go wrong when you want to start a webshop.

However, Shopware also lets users install different kinds of plugins to extend the capabilities of the platform. In this article we show you the 8 best Shopware plugins for your webshop available on the market.

The best Shopware plugins

All plugins for Shopware are available through their online store. This is where you can find hundreds of extensions (Shopware calls them plugins) and you can filter on your Shopware version, reviews, price and developer who made the plugin.

Distinctions have been made between gold, silver, bronze and a blue label. These colours are based on the number of reviews, downloads en updates. When a plugin has a blue label, Shopware has developed the plugin.

1. SEO Professional - by Dreischild GmbH

A webshop is dependent on the number of visitors. SEO can be an important element for this. With an optimized website for the search engines you have a bigger chance to get a higher position in the search results.

Although Shopware’s standard version has a lot of SEO optimizations, this plugin gives you that little bit extra advantage. The plugin enables options like slug adjustments, different meta titles and descriptions, set canonical tags manually and set individual pages to no-index. These options make your SEO life a lot easier.

2. Google Tag Manager + Enhanced eCommerce Tracking for Shopware - by Webmatch GmbH

Measuring is knowing, and that is more than true, especially in the world of e-commerce. You prefer to steer on data and do smart things based on the collected data.

This important e-commerce data is collectible with Enhanced E-commerce Tracking. The easiest way to enable this is via Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics. This plugin deals with the process, so you don’t have to touch the code of your shop.

3. Shopware ERP powered by Pickware - by Pickware GmbH

With this plugin, you integrate Pickware directly in the backend of your Shopware webshop. You don’t need other links with other ERP systems anymore, and you work with live data from your webshop.

This plugin ensures ERP functions, for example managing multiple warehouses, return management, print reports, supply management, partial cancellations and more...

4. Language pack Dutch by Shopware AG

This plugin is really useful for Dutch Shopware shops. It will translate the biggest part of your webshop to the Dutch language. This plugin is applicable for Shopware 6 and is often-downloaded. The amount of downloads will probably increase immensely in the upcoming years when Shopware keeps getting more and more users from the Netherlands.

5. Set articles powered by Pickware - by Pickware GmbH

For a price of €495,- this plugin is relatively expensive. Besides the higher price point, this plugin is highly appreciated. This plugin allows you to combine multiple products into one.

For example, think about a gift box consisting of a lot of different products. In contradiction to bundled products, ‘set articles’ consist of products of a comparable level instead of a monitor that can be bought with a power cord as a bundle.

6. FroshProfiler - by Friends of Shopware

This plugin is specifically designed for developers. The FroshProfiler plugin offers information on the frontend that would normally be only visible when you take a deeper dive into the software.

For example, all available Smarty-variables or all events from the past will be displayed in chronological order. Also, JavaScript event logging, Performance benchmarking and Database Queries will be displayed clearly.

The cost of this plugin? It is completely free 😀

7. Google Shopping Professional - by SYNERGY NETWORKS GmbH

Do you want to create (more) awareness for your products? Google Shopping is a suitable plugin to achieve this. With a good implementation, the platform makes sure that your webshop will attract more visitors that will lead to more orders.

With this plugin, you export all important data from your Shopware webshop to the Google Merchant Center. It recognizes all required, relevant product data immediately.

Moreover, this plugin will save a lot of work that, in an early stage had to be done manually.

Time you can spend on other tasks (of your website).

8. Shopware starterkit 6 - by

Obviously, this plugin is appropriate for Shopware 6 and offers a set of standard changes usable for a lot of Shopware webshops.

Think about hiding your breadcrumbs, hiding the copyright in the footer, deactivating meta keywords, showing product options in a separate tab and some more optimizations.

You can buy this plugin for 10 euro in the Shopware store.

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