Pack Hosting Panel

Installation of shopware 6

How can I install Shopware 6 at Hipex?

For the installation of Shopware 6, the server has to meet the following requirements:

  1. PHP version 7.2.0 or newer, this can be checked to run the command php -v under the SSH user or by checking it in the Pack hosting panel.
  2. MySQL version 5.7.21 or newer, this can be checked on the server by running the mysql -Version command.
  3. Node.js version 8.10.0 or newer, this can be checked on the server by running the node -v command.

Preparation of Installation Shopware 6

For the installation of Shopware 6, you can use the hipex application installation. Therefore you need to log in with SSH, after this you run the following command: hipex application:install shopware_6

When you run the command above, you will get some questions about the application:

  1. Please provide database-name
  2. Please provide database-username
  3. Please provide database-password

When the steps above are entered correctly, the installation will start. Pay attention there is no other application on the location /home/<user>/domains/<domain-name>/. In case there is, the installation will quit.

When the installation is finished, you get an overview of the set data within Shopware 6.

Needed Nginx configuration for updating Shopware

May you want to update Shopware, you need to add the following Nginx configuration.

location /recovery/install {
        index index.php;
        try_files $uri /recovery/install/index.php$is_args$args;

    location /recovery/update/ {
        location /recovery/update/assets {
        if (!-e $request_filename){
            rewrite . /recovery/update/index.php last;

The configurations above can be added to the location /home/<user>/domains/<domain-name>/var/etc/ Pay attention to the Nginx that has to end on .nginx.conf.